Shipping and Delivery


We offer tracked shipping services through FedEx to ensure the safe delivery of your products from Argentina to the United States.

Shipping Time

We process and ship your order as quickly as possible, usually within 24 business hours of receiving it. FedEx shipping takes between 3 to 9 business days for most addresses in the United States, depending on the location. However, there may be additional delays due to factors beyond our control.

Free Shipping

We offer free shipping on orders over USD 75 (depending on the destination). Shipping costs may vary and are subject to change. During checkout, you will be able to see the available options. In addition to FedEx, other carriers may be available in certain locations and will be offered as alternatives at checkout.

Shipping Rates by Country

We ship to all addresses in the United States, except for remote areas where carriers cannot deliver (far from cities or towns). In these cases, we will contact you to arrange an alternative delivery address or issue a full refund.

Please note that some products may be restricted by customs regulations in certain countries. If this occurs, we will contact you to offer a solution, such as a replacement or order cancellation.

Shipping Delays

While we provide estimated shipping times as a service to our customers, these may be affected by holidays, weather conditions, seasonal congestion, customs inspections, remote locations, or other unforeseen circumstances. If your order is time-sensitive, please contact us in advance.

Please be aware that some cities may have applicable taxes or customs duties. These will be calculated during the checkout process. FoodArgentino is not responsible for any customs charges or taxes that may apply, as it is the responsibility of the importer (the customer) to manage these.

Thank you for choosing us! We truly appreciate your business and look forward to serving you.

